A script to change a Base16-based theme across all applications on OS X.
How to install
osx-theme(1) is a shell script, so installation is simple. Download, extract and copy the script in the bin
directory over to the /usr/local/bin
directory and make sure it’s in your $PATH
One-line installation
$ bash -c "$(curl -#fL raw.github.com/iamnewton/osx-theme/go/install)"
N.B. - using the one-line installation will download and install all of the dependencies.
$ osx-theme [theme] [dark|light]
If no theme is specified, it will use the default located at the top of the file. Same is true for the style, if neither ‘dark’ nor ‘light’ are specified, ‘light’ is chosen by default.
Applications Included
atombbeditchrome-devtoolscodemirrorconsole2drracketemacsgeanygeditgimp-palettegnome-terminalguakehighlight.jsideaipython-notebook- iterm2
konsole- marked2
mate-terminalminttymmdc2mounotepad-plus-plus- OS X color palette
prettify.jspreviewprismputtypygmentsqtcreatorrainbowrougesecure-shellshell- terminal-app
terminatortermitetextadepttextmatevconsole- vim
visual-studiowindows-command-prompt- xcode4
Inspiration and code was taken from many sources, including:
- @chriskempson (Chris Kempson) https://github.com/chriskempson/base16